Building wgslsmith


Building for Windows is supported by cross compiling from Linux (ideally using WSL). It shouldn't be too hard to build everything natively on Windows, but you're on your own.

Dawn Prerequisites

The test harness and program reduction tools depend on dawn, which has a few prerequisites for building. If you don't want to build those tools, you can skip this bit.


If you don't already have it, run the following (for Ubuntu):

$ sudo apt install cmake

Otherwise, download it from


Dawn uses depot_tools to fetch its dependencies. Detailed usage instructions can be found here. To install it:

# Clone the depot_tools repo somewhere on your system
$ git clone
# Add it to your PATH
$ export PATH=/path/to/depot_tools:$PATH


On Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt install ninja-build

Otherwise, grab the binary from and add it your PATH.

Linux dependencies

If you're building for Linux, you might need a few more dependencies. On Ubuntu, you can install the following packages:

$ sudo apt install libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libx11-dev \
    libxcursor-dev libxi-dev libxext-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxtst-dev \


If cross-compiling for Windows, you'll also need to follow the instructions here to set up the compiler and SDK.


Make sure to clone wgslsmith recursively to fetch the submodules:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd wgslsmith

To build everything, run the following:

$ ./

This will automatically build dawn, and then build wgslsmith.

You can also disable some features if you don't want to build dawn and wgpu:

$ ./ --no-reducer --no-harness

If cross compiling for Windows, you need to set the target explicitly:

$ ./ --target x86_64-pc-windows-msvc

It's possible to build the harness as a standalone tool:

$ ./ harness

Build output will be in target/release (or cross-target/<target>/release when cross compiling).


To make the wgslsmith command available globally, run the following (after building):

$ ./ install [--install-prefix <path>]

This will create a symlink to target/release/wgslsmith, so you don't need to rerun it every time you rebuild. Use the --install-prefix option to specify the directory to install in (defaults to /usr/local/bin).

Alternatively you can just put the binary somewhere on your PATH.