Basic usage

To execute a shader, run:

$ wgslsmith run /path/to/shader.wgsl

You can also supply input data to initialize any unfiform/storage buffers, by writing a json file of the form:

  "{group}:{binding}": [1, 2, 3, ...]

This contains a mapping from the buffer ID to a byte array containing the init data. The values of group and binding should be the corresponding attribute values in the WGSL program:

struct Buffer {
    value: u32,

@group(0) @binding(0) // <- 0:0
var<uniform> input: Buffer;

@group(0) @binding(1) // <- 0:1
var<storage, read_write> output: Buffer;

fn main() {
    output.value = input.value;

By default, when executing a shader with an explicit path, the harness will look for a json file with the same name and parent directory as the shader. For example, given a shader file at /path/to/shader.wgsl, the harness will look for the inputs file at /path/to/shader.json.

You can also specify the inputs file path explicitly by passing /path/to/inputs.json as the second positional argument on the command line, or even specify the json object inline: '{"0:0": [...]}'.